Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 – Stopping in the Middle of the Mitzva of Shofar,

Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 – The length of Shevarim

Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 – Recreating the world through Teshuva

Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 – Seizing the Moment, Preparing for the Yom Hadin,

Elul Yarchei Kalla – The Sound of Shevarim

The Tefillos of Yomim Noraim #2 – Malchios, Zichronos and Shofaros – 5778

The Tefillos of Yomim Noraim #1 – Introduction, Crowning the King – Elul 5778

Elul 5776 – Rambam Hilchos Tshuva

Erev Shabbos Parshas Bo 5776

Fri Vaad – Parshas Vayishlach 5777

Erev Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5776
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