Ruach Chaim 104 Perek 5 mishna 9 – the four types of students

Ruach Chaim 103 – Perek 5 Mishna 7 – Why does Hashem punishment to the world.

Ruach Chaim 102 – Perek 5 Mishna 2 – The miracels of the Beis Hamikdash

Ruach Chaim 094 – Why doesn't the Torah discuss Olam Haba

Ruach Chaim 096 – Perek 5 Mishna 1 – Our power to affect the world

Ruach Chaim 095 – Perek 5 Mishna 1

Ruach Chaim 097 – Perek 5 Mishna 1 – The impact of our actions over the ten worlds

Ruach Chaim 098 – Perek 5 Mishna 2 – The Nisyonos of Avraham Avinu.

Ruach Chaim 099 – Perek 5 Mishna 2 – The propechy of Avrohom Avinu

Ruach Chaim 100 – Perek 5 Mishna 1-2 – The effect of the ten worlds

Ruach Chaim 101 – Perek 5 Mishna 5 – The miracles in the Beis Hamikdash
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