Mitzvah of perika and teina – Av 5779

Hashovas Aveida #19 – Returning a lost object to a non-Jew

Hashovas Aveida #18 – Overcharging for saving someone's life

Hashovas Aveida #17 – Saving someone's money at your expense

Hashovas Aveida #15 – when is one exempt from the mitzvah

Hashovas Aveida #16 – Can you be paid for doing hashovas aveida

Hashovas Aveida #14a – Can I use the item (cont.)

Hashovas Aveida #14 – Can I use the item

Hashovas Aveida #13 – The responbility of the finder

Hashovas aveida #12 – How to Determine the owner

Hashovas Aveida #09 – what is a siman
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