Hilchos Brachos#18-Proper Kavanah-1-24-23

Hilchos Brachos #11-Shinui Makom-12-13-22

Hilchos Brachos #11 Nikiyus Yadayim

Hilchos Brachos #10

Rabbi Efraim Friedman Hilchos Brachos#8 (Brachos &Ervah)

Hilchos Brachos#8-11-15-22

Hilchos Brachos #6-11-1-22-Catheter and Brachos at the end (1)

Rabbi Efraim Friedman Hilchos Brachos #7-11-8-22(Proper Environment for Brachos)

Hilchos Brachos #5-

Hilchos Brachos#4-9/20/22
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