Mishmar Parshas Yisro

Matan Torah – Mishmar Parshas Yisro

Hallel on the Yam Suf – Mishmar Parshas Beshalach 5772

Hakaros Hatov – Mishmar Parshas Bo

Mishmar Parshas Shemos 5774

Introduction to the Galus and Geula from Mitzrayim – Mishmar Parshas Shemos 5772

Lessons of Galus Mitzrayim – Mishmar Parshas Vayechi 5772

The Conflict Between Yosef and the Brothers -Mishmar Parshas Vayigash 5774

Ha'aros on Sefer Vayikra – Mishmar 5775

Kavod HaBrios

The Emes of Hashem – Mishmar Parshas Shlach 5775
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