Nefesh Hachaim 007 – Shaar1,5

Nefesh Hachaim 006 – Shaar 1,4

Ruach Chaim 102 – Perek 5 Mishna 2 – The miracels of the Beis Hamikdash

Ruach Chaim 103 – Perek 5 Mishna 7 – Why does Hashem punishment to the world.

Ruach Chaim 104 Perek 5 mishna 9 – the four types of students

Ruach Chaim 105 – Perek 5 Mishna 19 – Talmidim of Avraham Avinu

Nefesh HaChaim 005 – Shaar 1, 4.

Nefesh Hachaim 004 – Shaar 1, 3

Nefesh Hachaim 003 – Shaar 1, 1-2.

Nefesh Hachaim 002 Introduction

Nefesh Hachaim 001 – Introduction
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