Hilchos Shabbos: Bishul Part 2

Divrei Psicha from Rabbi Ephraim Friedman Elul Yarchei Kallah 5783

Hilchos Shabbos: Bishul Part 1

Hilchos Benching #1-(Being Motzei someone else for Birchat HaMazon)-

Hilchos Shavuos #2 (Reasons for Dairy on Shavuos)-5-23-23

Hilchos Sefira #4(What comes first Shema, Bentching, Sefira)-5-9-23

Hilchos Sefira #3(Music)-5-2-23

Hilchos Sefira #2-4-25-23

Not cutting hair during Sefirah
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