Biur Tefillah # 01 – Adon Olam – Intro to Davening

Biur Tefillah #27- Ahava Rabba – Hashem's love for the Jewish people.

Biur Tefillah #23- Birkas Krias Shema – seeing Hashem in the creation

Biur Tefillah #22 – ישתבח שמך

Biur Tefillah #21 – Introduction to Birkas Krias Shema

Biur Tefillah #28 – Baruch shem kabod malchuso

Biur Tefillah #26-Ahava Rabba- Hashems Love for the Jewish People

Biur Tefillah #25 Ahava Rabba

Ameilus B'Torah

Chabura on nat bar nat

Biur Tefillah #24
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