Hilchos Brachos #17-Speaking during Tefilah-01-17-23

Hilchos Birchos Hashachar #2-1-10-23

002 seasonal additions to shemona esrei

Hilchos Tefila #1 -Intro & Zman Tefila

Hilchos Tefila #2- What you can and can't do before davening

Hilchos Tefila #3- When do you daven when traveling

Hilchos Tefila #4- Birchas Hashacher and Korbonos

Hilchos Tefila #5- Psukei Dizimrah and Birchas Krias Shmah

Hilchos Tefila #6 – Vesain tal Umutor & Krias Shmah
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